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Sex Cams 101 is a site that focuses completely on the live adult webcam industry. We offer comprehensive reviews, industry news, and other resources to consumers. The site provides user reviews and an active forum to keep readers interacting with one another. If you are looking for exposure for your cam site, you’ve come to the right place.
There are a number of ways for your cam site to be promoted here on
- Site Review - This is our most common method for being added to the site. Simply use the following form and send us the details of your site along with any affiliate program associated with it. Please provide a test account of $50 so that we may review your site. Review times can vary depending on our backlog and there is no guarantee of addition. Your site will be listed on our complete list of reviewed sites.
- Expedited Review - If you are in a rush to have your site added, we do offer an expedited option. For $500, we will have your site reviewed and live within two weeks. As a bonus, you will also be listed for two weeks on our homepage under featured reviews. You will also be listed under “Newest Companies” which appears on every page of the site. This is a great way to launch a brand new cam site. Please note that this option is only available for sites with an affiliate program. We will still be linking through your affiliate program. Please use the following contact form for more information.
- Press Release - If your company is having a special promotion, celebrity hosts, or adding some new feature, we’d love to add it to our industry news blog. Please send as much detail as you can through our contact form and we’ll get it up as soon as possible.
- Homepage Banners - We currently offer two banner options for the homepage. These ads do not go through our affiliate link. The cost is $1500/month per banner spot. We offer a 300x250 spot under the featured reviews table as well as a 160x600 skyscraper ad along the navigation bar. Please use the following form for more information.
- Other - We are always open to new and exciting ways to promote cam sites. If you have an idea for reaching our audience, please contact us and let us know.
Please note that our site’s survival is based on advertisement fees through paid spots and affiliate programs. We spend a substantial amount of money on a monthly basis to bring in people looking to join a cam site. Our traffic is highly targeted and eager to join. There is no better way to reach your target audience than with us.